When you know where He’s calling you but you don’t know where to start

As we sat eating dinner discussing, I could feel the weight of reality suffocate me. Truth is, I’ve been feeling it for weeks. 

Everywhere I look, every person I talk to, every article I read, reaffirms how deceived, how lost and confused our world is. 

When God puts a soft spot in our hearts, he’s preparing us for a calling and a commission, if we’ll accept it. 


I just naively thought it would feel good…. or easy.

But he’s sending me to hard places and placed a call on my life that’s overwhelming. If I think about it too long or hard, I want to cry. It feels daunting and all together hopeless; defeated before I’ve even begun. 

So for weeks I’m been praying earnestly for direction- for wisdom and discernment –  and most of all, comfort for my worried and weary heart. 

And then he answered, like he always does.


My bible sat open to Matthew 10 and upon reading the title, I focused in: The harvest hands. 

It was Jesus speaking to his twelve disciples directly after commissioning them to go out and make disciples of all men. These were his words of instruction, of encouragement and of hope as they set out; a handbook of how to’s and why’s, if you will. 

And like medicine to an aching body, his words soothed and numb my fear. 


Don’t begin by travelling to some far off place to convert unbelievers. Don’t try to be dynamic by tackling some public enemy. Go to the lost, confused people right in your neighbourhood. 

Don’t think you need to fundraise before starting. Travel light. You are the equiptment. Stay modest and content.

When you meet people, be courteous in greeting. If they welcome you, be gentle in conversation. If they don’t, quietly withdraw and leave. Don’t make a scene. It’s of no concern to you now.

This is hazardous work I’m assigning you; like sheep running through a pack of wolves. So don’t call attention to yourselves! Be as inoffensive as a dove.

Don’t be naive. People will smear your reputation and take you to authorities. Without knowing it, they’ve done you good; given you a platform for teaching.

 When that happens (not if) don’t worry about what you’ll say. The Holy Spirit will supply the right words.

Because of conviction, people will turn on you; even family. But won’t quit or cave in. It’s not success you’re after but survival!

Be content when they treat you the same as they’ve treated me and don’t be intimidated. Eventually, everyone will know the truth, so don’t hesitate to go public with it now. 

Don’t be silent because of threats. Save your fear. God has your entire life in his hands.

Matthew 10 – The Message 


I’m no fool to believe it’s only me, friend, because God calls each of us to hard places! He’s equipped each of us uniquely with gifts, to serve and to bless.

So today, in whatever it is you’re facing- in the call God has placed on your life- I pray that together, Jesus’s words would be etched upon our hearts and burned into our mind. Let’s write them on our walls if we have to!

Because the truth is, he’s already answered our every question and given us the information we need.

So let’s not let fear paralyze us any longer or expectations steal our focus. It’s time we take him at his word. It about time we get going! 



Lord, we confess our fear of man and our pride in expectations. We want to do good and be great for you! But the truth is, we’re weak and our ideas are muddled and confused by the world around us and our own selfish desires. Help us to humble ourselves and go where you are calling us, living out your commission and living by your word. Write them on our hearts and etch them in our minds. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, may our lives and our bodies be vessels of life and light – an offering for the greater good. Amen




He Touched and She was Healed

He touched her hand and the fever left her; and she she got up and began to wait on him. – Matthew 8:15

Jesus has authority over all evil that is a result of this fallen world. He speaks a word, he gives a touch and people are healed; made new and restored to wholeness. He does this to glorify God.

At the time of this story, the Bible tells us that Jesus healed this woman “to fulfill what what spoken through the prophets: He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.” vs. 17

In todays world, Jesus blesses to gift us with a taste of what the whole world will one day experience in God’s kingdom. It’s a glimpse.

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When God chooses to heal us or bless us it is an unnecessary and willful act of love; a gift. Yes he loves us and yes he wants to see us happy, but first and foremost it is to glorify God and give testimony to his goodness and power.

It’s always been about God first and never about us. We are here to make manifest him!

His acts of love are not mandatory. They are a free gift lavished upon us in mercy and kindness. Our response then should be one of gratitude and debt.

How else would you respond to someone who gave you a gift of incredible value and selfless love?

Say your life for example. You were standing before a judge who had pronounced the death sentence for you and some man stood up and said he’d take your place. An exchange. His life for yours. The judge agrees and you go free….

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Too often, our response to God’s blessings is one of entitlement or expectation, like he owes us something for our “allegiance.”

Yes, we should expect God to answer our prayers, but it won’t always be in our time or our ways. While God loves us and desires for us to know and experience joy in this life, he ultimately wants to be the source of that joy- just him and his relationship – that isn’t dependent on circumstance.

His delight in us sure isn’t based on our performance (ha!) so why then, so often, is our devotion weighed on a scale of his ability to “bless us” and answer our prayers the way we’d have it?

Jesus is far more concerned with our hearts condition than with our comfort or circumstance. He wants to see us grow up and mature spiritually, moving beyond asking what God can do for us, to a place of asking what we can do for him.


Peter’s Mother-in-law, the women healed in Matthew 8, is a perfect example of how we should respond to Jesus, especially in times when we receive his touch; his blessings, his gifts.

To love and devote our lives in service.

Immediately, not after she did the things she needed to or after she got bored, immediately she got up and waited on him. She served Jesus.

She responded to his act with acts of her own that blessed him. She received his love and lavished it upon others in return.

These are the things he calls us to. This is the heart of God; Love and Service, all as an outpouring of gratitude in response for all thats been done for us… already.




So let me ask you. How have you responded to God in the past? How will you respond to him today? Right now? And with the vary gift of your life?


Pray with me:

Lord, Thank you for your love that you so graciously lavish upon me. Thank you for your desire to know me and be known by me.

Help me to respond to your love in a way that is worthy and honouring to you- to receive your blessings and love and respond with my life as an outpouring in thanks for all your are to me and all you’ve done for me. But not just for the now or the blessings of my current circumstance, but for what has already been done, accomplished and made available to me, through Jesus’ ultimately loving and selfless sacrifice on the cross.

Ignite in me a passionate desire to seek you, love you and serve you, devoting my life to the things of your heart. Fan in me your flame and may many come to know and experience your love for themselves, through me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If Jesus were your facebook friend

Sadly, in North America many of us Christians have been deceived in what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

We’re taught that if we repeat a prayer asking “Jesus into our hearts” and say we’re sorry for the wrong we’ve done, then we have magically become a Christian and our eternity in heaven is secure.

While the intent might be good, in actuality, we’ve completely missed the boat!

No where in the Bible does Jesus say, “Want to be my disciple? Want to spend eternity with me? Then sit down and repeat after me.” 

Let’s paint a modern day comparison.

Let’s say you wanted to be friends with Jesus. You’ve heard people talk about him like he’s a pretty cool person; some people even rave about him, exclaiming he’s the coolest person they’ve ever met. You want to meet this man you’ve heard so much about, so you start by looking him up on facebook. [Common, admit it. You do this too!]

While creeping his profile you discover he appears to be everything people are saying about him. You too want to get to know him for youself, so you take the first step and send him a friend request.


Your palms get clammy. Your desire to get to know him is earnest and you picture yourselves hanging out on Saturday nights. What if you became best friends one day? Texting each other on the hard days and being the first person you each call when life bears exciting news.

But as you start to imagine it, your mind jumps to the reality that he’ll likely click on your profile before accepting your friend request. What will he think when he scrolls down your page?  What will he make of your statuses, your photos and the things you’ve liked and shared?  Frantically, you run to your profile, reviewing everything through the eyes of someone who doesn’t yet know you.

You start deleting and hiding things you don’t want to sway his first impression. Pretty soon all thats left is a clean cut profile of your alter ego. It looks good on the outside, but it’s a white lie. A half truth. In reality, it’s a sham.

A notification pops up. “Jesus has accepted your friend request. Write something on his wall.”

Your heart pounds and your feeling a little nervous if you’re honest with yourself. Too afraid to go any further, you decide not to pursue anything, because the minute he meets you, he’ll discover you’re not who you portray yourself to be.

Perhaps you’ll play it slow- just see what pops up of his on your news feed – like or comment now and again. Maybe that’ll open the gates for something more to form eventually.

But sadly, like many others you’ve “befriended”, days, weeks and years go by and you’re nothing more than on lookers/ creepers into each others lives. Sure you know of each other, you might even glean an idea of each others personalities, interest and likes. Heck, you even know what each other did last weekend with your families, but you never truly knew each other, nor did you ever finally meet face to face.

When Jesus finally dies and RIP status start flying, would you be invited to his funeral? Of course not… he never truly knew you.

“Knowing the correct password—saying ‘Master, Master,’ for instance—isn’t going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience—doing what my Father wills. I can see it now—at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, ‘Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking.’ And do you know what I am going to say? ‘You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don’t impress me one bit. You’re out of here.’ Matthew 7:21-23 MSG

Sadly, this is how we North Americans live out our Christian faith. Simply on-lookers who acknowledge Jesus’ existence, work “for him” and even profess to be his friends ie: followers, but we’ve never truly known him or followed his commands.

Then Jesus said to the disciples, “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. Matthew 16:24

In Jesus’ day, these men whom he was speaking to would have understood the cross to be an instrument [weapon] of torture, torement and ultimately death, used by the government for power. So in essence Jesus is saying that in order to follow him, we must die to ourselves – our lives, our ambitions, our desires, our dreams, our to-do’s, our everything. “Slay yourselves,” is what he’s commanding.

Let’s take this analogy even further….

Go back to the moment you were frantically deleting everything off your facebook page in hopes of creating a clean slate that your new potential friend would look on fondly. Do you honestly believe that information is permanently gone? Can Mark Zuckerberg in all his facebook controlling glory not bring it all back if he really wanted to? Of course he can because nothings truly erased from it’s history!

Mark is God in this analogy.

God in all his infinite power and glory tells us, that in our own strength and efforts, we can make nothing good or lasting in and of ourselves. We can try all we want to earn his “like” or make him want to “accept our friend request” but he see all the things we try to hide. Nothing is lost from our profiles or erased from the history of own accounts. He can at any point in time control our [online] existence and/or bring back that which we thought we had deleted.

The only way to start over is to abandon our current account [life]  and start over with a completely new one [that which he offers us through Christ].

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17

But we can’t keep both! We can’t keep active on our old profiles after we’ve set up and are active on a new one. We’d be living a double life; a Sham.

How is it then, that as Christians, we believe we can follow Jesus, living as a new person, when our lives look no different then they did before we knew him? How did we die to ourselves, when nothing has changed? 

Jesus calls us to drop everything, pick up our cross and follow him.

So as his friends and followers then, our lives should mirror his very own. But they don’t. Most Christians days, priorities, ambitions, habits and lives look NO DIFFERENT then those of non-believers. How can that be?! We are missing it, my friends.

We love our pretty little lives [our dreams and ambitions too] and all this world offers [it’s pleasures and its comforts] more than we love it’s creator, our father and his son. It’s like being content to build sandcastles in mud, when someones offering us the beach!

I fear that on that day, many [including myself] who have spent their entire lives thinking they knew Jesus and that their place in heaven was secured, will stand before him, and instead of hearing “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” will hear, “Away from me;I never knew you,” and spend eternity in separation from the one who loves us and pursued us most.

God tell us to die to our old lives in exchange for a new one as his child, which he bought with a price, through the death and resurrection of his son. That makes us his possession.

But you are a chosen race….. a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9

So now I ask you. Go back and re-read the intro paragraph- the lie we’ve all believed for so along- about how to become a follower of Jesus and what it means to live a Christian life.

Make no mistake. The costs are high and becoming a friend of Jesus isn’t rainbows and fairytales.

“Because In a world where everything revolves around self – protect yourself, promote yourself, take care of yourself- Jesus said “slay” yourself. Whether we live in North America, or Ethiopia, to become a Christian mean to loose our lives completely; abandon it immediately and follow him.” David Platt

Then you are no longer strangers to God and foreigners to heaven. Ephesians 2:19